Friday 22 February 2013

it's been a while let see if i can still do this

Well the world of me is spinning as ever trying to get by day to day as best i can. Also acquired my sisters presence in my newly gained home but myself an my son are all good with that. Love of my life has been lack luster an without much thrills an spills. 6 months single and counting guess there is no romeo out there for me anytime soon. But I am much better in myself away from the counselling and dealing with loss of my nan as best I can a day at an time. Been pondering the idea of maybe starting writing and seeing how that goes who knows my blogging could turn into my passion and then on into something more. I still j'adore my football although as any red follower will tell you times have been troubled and tough of late but that still doesn't dampen my passion and pride. We will bounce back my LFC a girls one true love.

 I have not found single parenthood easy I can't lie my tears and tantrums have been nearly as regular as my sons but I am coping and working on being the best mum I can be focusing on giving him all he needs the toughest obstacle breaking past that moment when I have a near 4 year old  yelling at me that he doesn't like me anymore and he wants his dad. But its all part an parcel of day to day events never a dull moment.

Crazy as  may be we have 2 further editions to the family in out kittens both wild little hell raisers who's only fear so far seems to be my son. But as i battle against ex's and real mothers over financial security i think to myself well I am still waking every morning and seizing the day as best as my will and body can so i am doing ok for now I will blog more again soon when I find my stride but this is just a hey still here don't forget about me.

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