Sunday, 11 December 2011

Christmas .....................Humbug

Evening all hope you all well weather the viewers are 3 or 30 am happy. It's getting to that insane time of year that obligates us to buy for people we generally see at most twice to three times a year yes it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas .. *yawn*.
Now don't get me wrong I love Christmas for my son his excitement and enjoyment is infectious but what I detest is the social requirement to feel under pressure to buy the cost appropriate presents  for family and friends.
As a sole provider for a family that is not in the in a sturdy place financially it's a time of year that evoke intese pressure and stress when all i want is for my little boy to smile and be happy with what i have got him every penny is being strained and stretched to its maximum capacity and i am not ashamed to admit its still difficult to do it. But every year we run around buying for various aunties uncles and cousins when really isn't it nieces and nephews who are still young and can enjoy it we should focus on it sounds like am being a misery but i really don't need or want anything for Xmas my family has all been told the same spend what you would of on me on my little boy get him a little something extra.
It's him who this Christmas is about for me now no one else.

So this blog is more about for me the fact I am releasing my family of buying me the bubble bath sets i will forget i have put in the cupboard till i put the chunky winter blankets away and think oh yeah must use them and just to let my boy have the fun cause if i remember anything from Christmases as i have aged it's much more fun for the younger ones so let it be about them heck times are hard and purses have less change to carry as it is and am not saying if you can don't indulge but if you can't don't make yourself feel like the grinch because your not stealing Christmas from any parents  they have all they need in their childs eyes.

Although my blogs are generally about my life i just felt i needed to share this much love and Merry Xmas to you all x