Well i have been vacant from most of the worldwide web for a little while so i am pretty out of the loop but i m getting back on my feet and pulling myself together. We gave up the hell house which was causing alot of our stress and i got through saying goodbye to my nan as best i could. Now i just have to get back on with life and be strong for my boy he needs me and i needs me too be strong for me too as i cant let it eat at me how much i miss my nan she would only kick my ass for it if she were still here. So now i am back battling life head on and i thought the best way to announce that i am picking myself up and putting my big girl boots on to kick start the days. I am back staying with family so i am leaning on my support at home and i am grateful for all the love and kindness shown to me by my cyber pals its strange but some have shown more kindness and support than peopel who have known me my whole life. But i just wanted to say thanks mostly as i sit here tryna get warm on a baltic day snuggled by the fire. I have made a choice to run next years race for life and plan to do fund raising for the macmillian nurses who helped my family and em soo much so if you have a fund raising idea for a short arse with awful coordination let me know considering as man options as i can to raise as much as i can for the cause. todays blog will only be short and sweet just really a short mention that am doing ok and to pick your brain so please reply in comment box or tweet me any ideas for fund raising that i can look into .
much love an thanks xxxx